Managing Partners

Bas Boorsma
Founder & Partner UI Global, Professor of Practice, Thunderbird School of Global Management, Former Cisco, former CDO of Rotterdam
Raffaele Gareri
Founder & Partner UI Global, CEO Urban Futures, Former CDO of Rome
Rijn Platteel
Founder, Partner & Executive Director UI Global

Meet The Professionals

Michael Pegues
Cio City of Aurora
Adriana Defina
Philosophy of Digitalization, Digitalization Strategist
Marc Wesselink
Founder / CEO Venturerock, Founder & Partner UI
Mariela Atanassova
Professor, Innovator, Moderator System Complexity, Urban, Finance
Manuela Krull​
Urban Tech Start Up Specialist
Jonathan Reichental
Author of Smart Cities for dummies, Former CIO, City of Palo Alto, Strategic Advisor to gov. of Singapore
Ivan R. Shumkov
PhD, CEO, Architect, Entrepreneur, Professor, Scholar and curator
Xander van der Heijden
Founder Venturerock, CEO of UNL, Spatial planning 2.0, Micromapping, Internet of Where
Dr Yousef Al Assaf
President of RIT Dubai
Jerry Hultin
Chairman Global Futures Group, Former secretary of Navy, Clinton White House
Jose Antonio Ondiviela
Director Cities (Europe), Microsoft, Director of WW Observatory for Attractive cities
Teppo Rantanen
Innovation Director, City of Tampere, Finland, Former Senior Partner, Deloitte
Bernardo Scheinkman
Founder & CEO of Smart Cities Americas
Guido Piccoli
Smart Mobility and Logistics specialist
Katerina Zalamova​
Smart City & Innovation District Specialist, Barcelona
Kees Jan Rietveld
Founder Buro Rietveld & Rietveld inc, Strategist, Scale-up Inestor and Executive coach
Almutasem Alkhateeb
Digital Transformation Specialist, Strategic Business Development
Sydney Scudder
Advisor Urban Innovators
Lot Platteel
Innovation Strategy Advisor
David Lugo Robles
Nonprofit Leadership, Community development, Smart cities & logistics
Knut Schoenfelder
Urban security - physical and cyber
Henk Korevaar
Innovation Practioner, Facilitator, Advisor
Iyad Alsaka
Architect, Partner at OMA
Honorata Grzesikowska​
Urban Masterplanner, Architect, Founder Urbanitarian
Fadi Hani
Telecom and software industry executive. Angel investor, coach and advisor
Dr Michal Tyra
Lead, Community and Grants. UIG Representative USA
Jake Taylor
Urban Innovation, Gamification, Venture Building
Caden Lyon
Smart Cities, cultural coexistence, Supply Chain & Logistics
Tom van Arman
Smart City Strategist & Future City Maker
Dr Monica Kerrets-Macau
Innovation Leadership
Dr. Islam Bouzguenda
Academic Architect
Óskar Sandholdt
Service & Innovation Director at the City of Reykjavik
Lev Gonick
CIO, Arizona State University | Smart Communities, Broadband, Digital Equity
Annika Rømer
Ecosystem Design and Community Building, Sustainable transition, Regenerative Leadership
Elizabeth Pysher
Urban Tech Scholar developing smart cities through data-driven innovation
Tamlyn Shimizu
Bable smart Cities lead executive, Parnterships
Alexander Schmidt
Founder & CEO , Bable Smart Cities
Hans Laroes
Innovative Journalist and former Editor-in-Chief of the Netherlands Broadcasting Corp. Future of Trustworthy Information.
Davide Rota
Partner UI Global, Investor, CEO Linkem/Tiscali.
Mihnea Apostol
Urban innovation strategist & project management
Jan Wester
CEO Big Data Value Center C-level innovation strategist, Complex Public Private Partnerships, Open Innovation Centers
Zoe Eather
Smart Community Specialist, Data Scientist, Facilitator, Speaker, Podcaster
Alessandro Grande
Investor, Entrepreneur
Jannat Maqbool
Technology Advisor, inclusive innovation, Australia New Zealand
Anoop Kumar Jha
Infrastructure and smart cities strategist driving positive change in businesses, cities, and communities through innovation
Khalil Al Kiswani
Senior Digital Transformation Leader (UAE)
Martine Reinhold Kildeby
Leader, Regenerative Transition, Gateways tothe Nordics, BloxHub, Denmark
Roland van der Heijden
Digital Twinning Leader, Urban Platforms, Citiverse, City of Rotterdam
Roni Bulent Ozel
PhD - Co-founder & CEO, Lucidminds AI, Bridging Theory to Practice.
Prof. Dr Diana Bowman
Arizona State university, Innovation Leadership
Peter van Waart
Intrapreneur, lecturer and researcher pursuing a smart and inclusive society
Marianna Lubanski
Innovation and partnership professional | startups | urban innovations | Scandinavia and the World
Sabine Schoorl RB MBA
Senior Partner LUMO | 101% energy, Leading Women Leading Tech, Start-up-ism every day
Dr. Gert Hilgers
Smart City Strategist & Science Diplomacy Advocate
Tudor-Alexandru Panait
CEO, IT Specialist, Training Expert, TEDx Speaker
Frank Vieveen
Urban Innovation lead for digital economy and digital infrastructures, City of Rotterdam
Gauri Agarwal
architecture, urbanism, and landscape. Research, design, and digital design. Qualitative research methods and data visualization
John Achari
Im Sik Cho
Hasan Wehbi
RE and PPP advisor with 2 decades of international consulting experience and Founder and CEO of DUDI urban-tech platform
Marcel van Oosterhout
executive director for the Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics (ECDA)
Lars Buch
Urban tech venture builder and -operator. Ex-Head Nokia R&D DK & Ex-Head G42 Digital Ventures
Peter Joziasse
Steward of Digital Child Rights, Empowering the Next Generation
Dr Christina Yan Zhang
Co-chairman for the UN ITU Taskgroup on Pre-standardisation for the CitiVerse
Prof. Stephen Goldsmith
Professor of Practice of Urban Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and director of the Data-Smart City Solutions program at the Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University. Former Deputy Mayor of New York and Mayor of Indianapolis
Cindy Breaux
Leader in building and harnessing stakeholder networks to accelerate innovations with social impact | Former advisor, digital equity & inclusion, City of Rotterdam
Inger Hanne Vikshåland
Head of Innovation, City of Stavanger, Norway - Leading innovation with strategic vision and powerful community narratives
Fabrizio Ferrari
Founder and CEO Aitek, transport system innovator, business coach start-up and spin-off
Dr Erol Özgüner
CIO of the City of Istanbul. Smart & Sustainable City & Digital Transformation Specialist
Alfredo Viglienzoni
The Uncompromising ICT, Smart City, innovation and business development leader at the City of Genoa, Italy
Raimundo Rodulfo
CIO and Director of Innovation & Technology @ City of Coral Gables. Visionary Leader, Smart Cities and Telecommunications and Electronics Industry.
Søren Nørgaard Madsen
Principal Consultant @ Local Government Denmark | public affairs, policy, tech, sustainability, smart communities, and AI
Maurice de Beer
Innovation Alchemist of Public Safety, Safety Region Leader, Rotterdam Rijnmond R&D departement, the Netherlands
Frans Jorna
Chief Innovation Officer, City of Apeldoorn ,Board member of DMI (Dutch Metropolitan Innovations)
Niels Van Heezik
Head of CIO Office, City of Rotterdam
Gianluca Galletto
Author | Urban Innovator | Entrepreneur | Startup Mentor & Investor. “There is no innovation without history.”

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